Flat Fee Pricing for Oklahoma Oil & Gas Transactions


Flat Fee Pricing for Oil & Gas Transactions

Service Price Detail
Oil and Gas Lease Negotiations $750.00 - $3,500.00 Pricing depends on the complexity of the lease being negotiated.
Surface-use Damage Agreement Negotiations $750.00 - $1,500.00 Pricing depends on the complexity of the agreement being negotiated.
Demand Letters for Late Royalty Payments $500.00 - $1,500.00 Pricing depends on the complexity of the payment owed.
Mineral Consultation Typically $200.00 for a 45-minute phone or Zoom consultation. $275.00 per hour for an in-person meeting. Consultation on factors to think about when deciding if selling your minerals to a mineral buying company is a good or bad idea for you.
Mineral Sales Agreement and Recommendations Typically $200.00 Review of the mineral sales agreement and making recommendations.
Renegotiation of Oil and Gas Leases Typically $200.00 - $750.00 Renegotiation of lease terms and/or amendments to your oil and gas leases
Seismic Negotiations Typically $500.00 - $1,500.00  
Forced Pooling Notice Typically $200.00 for a 45-minute Phone or Zoom consultation. $275.00 per hour for an in-person meeting. Consultation to discuss what it means to receive a forced pooling notice and develop a strategy to either have me represent you at the forced pool hearing or tips on trying to reach an agreement with the company attempting to lease you.
Oil and Gas Assets Management Contact for Free Estimate on services provided.  

Call or text Hayes Legal Solutions, PLLC 24/7 at 405-635-5578, or contact us online for a free 15-minute consultation to discuss Oil and Gas services provided, to decide what type of oil and gas strategy session you need.

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Hayes Legal Solutions, PLLC offers a free fifteen- minute exploratory consultation. Reach out today via text, phone, or proceed with scheduling your appointment on-line. We are committed to timely replying with all inquiries within twelve hours. Talk To Us On Social Media

Office Location

3030 NW Expressway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Mailing Address
3030 NW Expressway, #599
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

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