Relocation...... How Does It Work?
OK statutes 43 O.S. S 112.2A and 43 O.S. $ 112.3 are the two statutes that provide guidance for this frequently asked question. First, "relocation" is defined as a change in the principal residence of a child over 75 miles from the child's principal residence for a period of 60 days or more. Generally speaking, Oklahoma law allows relocation of a parent, but the right is subject to conditions. The court is always focused on looking out for the best interest of the child when these situations come up.
Below are examples of when relocating a child may not be found to be in the best interest of the child:
- If the person moving is looking to share living quarters with a person on the sex offender registry list or who has been convicted of domestic abuse
- If the child will face the risk of physical danger
What Can I Do If I Object To My X-spouse Relocating?
You can file a motion with the court that you object to the relocation, which will result in the judge determining whether the move can proceed. The judge is trying to make sure the move will not be harmful to the child and have a negative impact on the relationship with the other parent.
Hayes Legal Solutions, PLLC can help guide you through the relocations process in Oklahoma County, Cleveland County, Logan County, and Canadian County. Contact us online or call today at 405-635-5578.