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Summer Divorce and How It Can Be The Perfect Time For A New Beginning in Oklahoma

Posted by Amy Hayes | May 15, 2022 | 0 Comments

Below are 5 tips to reduce conflict with your spouse in high-conflict custody battle: 1.) Plan the children's summer activity schedule in advance, stick to the schedule. 2.) Plan vacations ahead of time, communicate to your spouse your schedule and give them information as to what activities your child be participating in  and who they will be around. 3.)  Be careful about what you post on social media when traveling with your children.  A pitcher of margaritas with the kids in the background can be re-appear at the most inopportune times. 4.)  Detailed schedules about the childrens activities limit conflict because everyone is on the same page as to what the kids will be doing. 5.)  All situations are different, it is best to reach out to an attorney early in the divorce process to develop a strategy and joint custody plan that will fit your needs.

When Sorry Is Not Enough

Posted by Amy Hayes | Apr 28, 2022 | 0 Comments

No one enters a marriage, hoping it will end in divorce. What does "When Sorry Is Not Enough" really mean in regard to your marriage? How do you know when it is time to consider separating or divorcing your spouse in Oklahoma?


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