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Understanding the Timeline of Divorce in Oklahoma

Posted by Amy Hayes | Oct 22, 2023 | 0 Comments

Timeline of Divorce in Oklahoma Initial Filing and Waiting Period: The divorce process in Oklahoma typically begins with one party, known as the petitioner, filing a petition for divorce in the county they have resided in for at least 30 days. Upon filing, a waiting period of 10 days exist before a divorce can be finalized when minor children are not involved and 90 days when minor children are involved.   Uncontested Divorce: If the divorce is uncontested, meaning both parties agree on all relevant issues, the process can be expedited. In such cases, couples may be able to finalize their divorce shortly    after the mandatory waiting period. The timeline for an uncontested divorce typically depends on the court’s docket and the efficiency of the parties involved. However, it is not uncommon for   uncontested  divorces to be resolved within a few months. Contested Divorce: In cases where disagreements persist regarding key issues like child custody, division of assets, alimony, or child support, a contested divorce may ensue. Contested divorces often require more time to reach a resolution as the court must intervene to resolve disputes. The duration of a contested divorce can vary significantly, depending on the complexity of the issues involved, the cooperation between parties, and the caseload of the court. On average, it can take anywhere from six months to a year or more to complete a contested divorce in Oklahoma. Mediation and Settlement Negotiations: To help expedite the divorce process and minimize courtroom involvement, many couples opt for mediation or engage in settlement negotiations. Mediation involves a neutral third party who helps facilitate discussions between the divorcing spouses, aiming to find mutually agreeable solutions. If successful, mediation can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with a contested divorce. Settlement negotiations outside of mediation can also aid in reaching compromises, allowing for a smoother and quicker resolution. Court Proceedings and Trial: In cases where disputes cannot be resolved through mediation or negotiations, the divorce may proceed to court proceedings. Court dates and trial schedules can contribute to the length of the divorce process, as they are dependent on the availability of the court and legal professionals involved. Typically, court proceedings are considered the last resort and tend to extend the timeline of a divorce.

Divorcing in Oklahoma, Does Not Have To Be Scary

Posted by Amy Hayes | Oct 22, 2023 | 0 Comments

As much as our firm prides ourselves on amicable divorces, the reality is people can be difficult and harsh, especially when we are talking about ending relationships. A lot of times people are ashamed of some of their skeletons in the closet as a reason to not proceed with divorce and keep their children in un-healthy environments. To make the most out of your time with your attorney, when discussing family matters, do not be ashamed and be honest with your attorney about any skeletons in your closet to help your divorce team develop a strategy that is most advantageous to you. Hayes Legal Solutions, PLLC can help you identify any skeletons in your closet and turn them into an asset. for you.

Valentine's Day Brings Affairs to Light

Posted by Amy Hayes | Jan 14, 2023 | 0 Comments

Tips If You Are Thinking About Leaving Your Spouse Change Passwords on social media Check mortgage payoff and 401K balances before calling an attorney Check car balances Check banking balances Call an experienced well rounded attorney like Hayes Legal Solutions, PLLC

When Sorry Is Not Enough

Posted by Amy Hayes | Apr 28, 2022 | 0 Comments

No one enters a marriage, hoping it will end in divorce. What does "When Sorry Is Not Enough" really mean in regard to your marriage? How do you know when it is time to consider separating or divorcing your spouse in Oklahoma?


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