Things To Think About When Divorcing Your Spouse in the Military
Military divorce differences from civilian divorce.
https://www.hayeslegalsolutions.com/aboutHayes Legal Solutions, PLLC seeks to create blog post content that helps add value to Oklahomans lives and small businesses. If you have an idea for a topic you would like to see discussed, please email us at [email protected] or talk to us on social media- Facebook.
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Military divorce differences from civilian divorce.
Below are 5 tips to reduce conflict with your spouse in high-conflict custody battle: 1.) Plan the children's summer activity schedule in advance, stick to the schedule. 2.) Plan vacations ahead of time, communicate to your spouse your schedule and give them information as to what activities your child be participating in and who they will be around. 3.) Be careful about what you post on social media when traveling with your children. A pitcher of margaritas with the kids in the background can be re-appear at the most inopportune times. 4.) Detailed schedules about the childrens activities limit conflict because everyone is on the same page as to what the kids will be doing. 5.) All situations are different, it is best to reach out to an attorney early in the divorce process to develop a strategy and joint custody plan that will fit your needs.
With rising interest rates and home prices rising so quickly, folks are always thinking about how they can save money on a residential transaction in Oklahoma. Now, you are seeing many flat fee MLS listing agreement where the seller only pays the agent a flat fee for listing their home on th...
Tips from an attorney on how to Save on Legal Bills.
No one enters a marriage, hoping it will end in divorce. What does "When Sorry Is Not Enough" really mean in regard to your marriage? How do you know when it is time to consider separating or divorcing your spouse in Oklahoma?
Tips For Same-Sex Custody Litigation in Oklahoma
Despite both parents' names appearing on the birth certificate, an Oklahoma County judge is denying a mother her parental rights when a same sex marriage went sour. Specifically, a judge in Oklahoma County has issued a temporary order blocking the custody rights of a mom to her child because she ...
How to Keep Your X from getting your business
High level overview of practice areas and commonly asked questions. Note, this is not legal advice, just general information.
Grounds for Parental Rights Termination in Oklahoma
What Is Legal Separation in Oklahoma? In Oklahoma it is when a court rules the circumstances of the marriage make it intolerable for the parties to live together, but the marriage should not be dissolved. The biggest difference between a divorce and separation is that with a separation, you cann...
3 Things To Avoid Doing During A Divorce in Oklahoma City
Identification of the most commonly used business legal structures in Oklahoma.
Cheating, Divorce, Re-Entering the Workforce
Did you know certain careers have higher divorce rates than others in Oklahoma? Here are some jobs that could put your marriage at risk Careers with the highest divorce rate Entertainers: Artists, actors, choreographers, dancers, etc., have the highest divorce rate, mainly because they have ...
We all know the divorce process is a tumultuous, and often lonely time. Sometimes people use social media as a way to feel connected to others during the divorce. Beware that anything you put on social media, can and will almost always be used against you. As such, it is imperative that you are v...
The Big Picture These are only some of the steps necessary to protect yourself and your family as you make this major life decision. There are numerous other things to address when you've decided to separate or end your marriage: Change the beneficiary on your insurance policies and estate plan....
In, Oklahoma, oil and gas plays an important role in our economy. However, the oil and gas sector by its very nature is very volatile, which adds complexities when you are divorcing someone in the oil field. Below Are A Few Things To Make Sure You Understand Before You Commence A Divorce ...
If you are interested in buying your first commercial property, then it's important that you understand that this purchase is going to be different than buying a residential home. Commercial properties come in around five different forms including multifamily structures, office buildings, indust...
What Does a Real Estate Attorney do for a Seller? (A Quick Explanation) Real Estate Attorneys When representing a seller, a real estate attorney may draft or review the realestate contract, provide general advice, resolve title issues, negotiatetransaction terms, and review closing paperwork. S...
We are frequently asked: “Do I need a prenuptial agreement?” or “How do I know if a prenup is right for me?” The purpose of this article is to answer these questions and more if you are considering a prenuptial agreement and you live in Georgia. Chances are that if you're getting married, the ide...
Deciding to get a divorce is a major decision that will impact you for years to come. When you see so many different attorneys advertising, how do you possibly know what lawyer is right for you? I often tell people finding the right divorce attorney is like finding the right pair of shoes. Not a...
If you're considering ending your marriage, the road ahead can seem overwhelming, paved with financial, emotional, logistical, and domestic challenges. Walking out abruptly in a heated moment can only result in making things worse in the long-run for both you and your partner. Being prepared with...
If you're thinking that scheduling a relaxing family vacation might just be the thing to fix your marital problems, you may want to think again. Although family vacations do not necessarily contribute to higher divorce rates, they could cause couples who are already struggling to decide that enou...
Hayes Legal Solutions, PLLC offers a free fifteen- minute exploratory consultation. Reach out today via text, phone, or proceed with scheduling your appointment on-line. We are committed to timely replying with all inquiries within twelve hours.
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